The image of the seated woman, a traditional storyteller, is a printed lithograph in black ink upon which I draw “the story”, in color. The idea comes from my memories of bringing my children to the library for “story hour” – that magical time when kids slump on the floor entranced by a librarian, usually a woman, spinning tales of mystery and wonder. This series was a perfect marriage of my separate mediums of printmaking and drawing. I could use the repeat image of the seated woman (prints are multiples) to start each drawing and then add the story to change content. I printed the lithograph in 1993, and added drawings to two of them that year. I then went on to do other projects, tucking away the images to think about them in a different way. Several years later, I developed other stories. I still have more impressions that await completion. I savor the idea that these stories develop over time, as I mature.

Storyteller (Bowl of Tears) mixed media drawing, 33”x22-1/2” 1998

Storyteller (Golden Swing) mixed media drawing, 30” x 22” 1998

Storyteller (Looking Down) mixed media drawing, 45-3/4"x22-1/2” 1993

Storyteller (The Falls) mixed media drawing, 40-3/4"x22-5/8” 1993

Storyteller (A Celebration) mixed media drawing, 37”x22-1/2” 1997